Saturday, May 16, 2015

My Daughters "Father"

            I don't know where to begin, but my daughter is 2 years old now. I am 17 and trying my best to be the best mother I can be too her with me still being so young. I was 14 when I met her father. He was 18.. Yes I know! Looking back on it now it disgusts me how much of an age difference it was. I got pregnant right after my 15th birthday I was at the doctors with my mom and a close friend at the time and they told me I was pregnant and made me tell my mother. I called my daughters father and he kept telling me not too get an abortion or give her up for adoption because he would take care of her. I actually BELIVED him. Throughout my pregnancy I kept trying to go into pre-term labor and eventually at 36 weeks I had my little girl. It was the best day of my life. While I was in the hospital her father smoked pot in the bathroom and lied to me about it. He then caused a scene by yelling and throwing things the day we were suppose to go home because I wouldn't let our daughter go home with him. I don't know what mother wouldn't say no to that! My daughter has lived with me since day 1. She has only stayed the night with him maybe 3 times because the first time she did when I came to pick her up she smelled like cigarettes, her diaper was nasty, she had a rash, her clothes were nasty, and her milk under her neck. I was PISSED! We split up when she was about 2 months old if that. My mom has always taken care of her finically because I was too young too get a job. He didn't care because he knew my mom would do it if he didn't. I can't tell you how many times I told him to get a job and he didn't or when he did he lost it because of drugs or he wouldn't go in. I am so sick of being the only who cares if she has everything she needs or not! He just doesn't care. January of 2015 he had another baby by another person who has a daughter that's almost 3. He takes care of his other baby and even her daughter which isn't even his. It pisses me off that my daughter doesn't have her dad because I grew up without mine and when my mom married my stepdad not even six months later he died. Her dad obviously doesn't care because he don't even text me everyday to check on her and when he does all he says is How's B? Like really? Can you not ask if she needs anything or say anything other than that? I recently got served a summons from my daughters grandpa (her dads, dad, who's never around either) saying he wants visitation and he is willing to pay child support. Am I the only one mad about that because it's not fair that he just up and wants to start being a dad when she doesn't even know him because he's in and out. He thinks she knows him as daddy but my daughter doesn't know what a daddy is. She think's it's his name! It's sad. A child knows a daddy and mommy together and that they know they take care of them and love them and are with them everyday. He doesn't see her and blames it on me when he doesn't ask but only when I'm really busy. He is not a good role model for me child. Yes I know I chose too sleep with him (I was kinda pressured into it) and I now have too pay for that. I am tired of him always getting what he wants. I have gave him so many a=chances in being in her life and when I told him no he starts a lot of crap and get's DHR involved when I had enough. I really don't know what to do about all this. I have got my families advice and some friends but I am so done with him. This isn't fair to my daughter. He is never going to be a sable person in her life. His mom, dad, and him are all trying to get custody of her. He doesn't have a sable place to live but he wrote in the papers that he does and put his moms address down and they fight constantly and that's one of the reasons my daughter isn't allowed back over there because one day me and her father were talking on the phone and he started cussing and yelling at his mom and my daughter was crying in the back ground and I told them to bring her back and his mom said no so I told them I was going to call the cops and right before I did they said they would. His mother also has tumors in her head and I don't feel comfortable with my daughter being there if something were to happen I wouldn't know. My daughters father has a girlfriend (his other childs mom) and she messaged me on Facebook the other morning talking about how it's not right to keep my daughter from him and that she wouldn't treat my daughter any differently than she treats her own. I don't know why she's getting in the middle of this cause they aren't married and she doesn't know the situation between us because she's only been around since January. Am I wrong for that? I just feel that she has no input in this situation. She has only heard what he has told her and that could be a lot coming from him. He is a compulsive liar. He lies to her ALL the time. He had too lie too her one time about us being at Walmart together because my daughter needed some stuff. Childish things if you ask me and she's older than me! I just want this to stop for the sake of my daughter because she doesn't deserve this. He is never going to step up and do what he needs to for her and I won't have it. I'm not going to let my daughter grow up and wonder when her father is coming to see her or why he hasn't came to see her. It's just going to mess her mind up and confuse her. I feel that he just needs too stay away since she's young right now and won't even know the difference because she doesn't ask for him now or cry for him, so there's no point and continuing and waiting even longer for him to change so when he doesn't she won't get hurt and wonder why he doesn't want her or love her.

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